Friday, December 26, 2008

#12, Wardrobe purge - Part II

Today I have completed the grand purging of the wardrobe! (And there was much rejoicing!)

I kept track of the number of items tossed, and I managed to meet my goal of cleaning out 1/3. Final count of all of the clothes I own (except socks) came to 320. (You can see why I needed to purge.) I am keeping 213, donating 90 to Goodwill, and bringing 17 to a consignment store. Here are some pictures to illustrate the process.

Before closet:

Before t-shirt dresser (yes, the ENTIRE dresser is full of t-shirts):

A picture of all of my t-shirts (I had 46 of them!):

This is a bridesmaids dress that I wore to my friend Erica's wedding. She got married years and years ago (maybe 8 years? Actually I think it was more like 9). Anyway, I decided that it was finally time to let it go, but realized that I didn't have any pictures of myself in it, so I decided to take some. Frankly, I'm pretty impressed that I could still squeeze into it. (Face is cut off cause I had a goofy expression.)

Two big bags of clothes headed out the door!

After picture of closet:

So, my clothes finally have a bit of breathing room. And I got rid of quite a few things that I should have tossed a long time ago. I have no idea how I managed to amass so many clothes, but I really very rarely get rid of anything, so it was past time for this.

Next goal to be accomplished will probably be #27 - Read Something by the Marquis de Sade. Fortunately, my friend Libby loaned me a copy of The 120 Days of Sodom, so I didn't have to check it out at the library or anything. I've read about 50 pages and it's already disturbing. Apparently there's also a movie, so if I really like it, I guess I can check that out, too.

Monday, December 22, 2008

#12, Wardrobe purge - Part I

I have started working on the wardrobe purge--it's taking longer than I thought.  I sorted all of my clothes into different categories:

-dress pants
-casual pants

Then, for each category, I am separating everything into "keep," "toss," (= Goodwill, except for underwear), "consign," and "undecided."  Rick is helping me sort the "undecided" piles.

My goal is to reduce the total amount of clothes I own by 1/3.  I think I'm doing pretty well so far--I've gone through about half of my categories and have filled one big garbage bag of "toss."  I'm hoping to finish up on Wednesday--my first day off of work for the holiday.  So, hopefully then I will have a full update, complete with pictures.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Next up...

It's been less than a month, and already I feel like I'm falling behind, as I've only accomplished one thing. I have 24 months in which to do these 30 things, so I need to do roughly 1 thing a month.

Here is an update on random 30 Before 30 things:

I went to buy the stickers for defacing stop signs and found that Glarkware is having a sale! Which would have meant that I could buy my beloved stickers for $1.00! Except that I got there too late, and they are all sold out. So, #10 will have to wait until they get more in stock.

Also, I have booked a room at the Atlanta Hilton, so we are definitely/probably attending Dragon*Con (#23) in 2009! I am excited. I am also planning awesome geeky costumes, which is a blast. Perhaps I will actually learn to properly use the sewing machine I own.

I've heard that Billy Joe's Pitcher Show (where the Rocky Horror Picture Show is shown every weekend) is probably closing in February, so I need to accomplish #15 in the next month or so. Otherwise I will have to find a less convenient venue.

My friend Libby has offered to cook paella for me (#22), loan me a book by the Marquis de Sade (#27), and create a beer bong for me (#24). Did I mention that my friend Libby is awesome?

The wardrobe purge (#12) has not yet begun. I've been exhausted when I get home from work and busy on the weekends. But I should get started soon!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

#20. See a psychic

I have accomplished my first goal! Last Saturday (11/22/08), I went to the Texas Renaissance Festival and saw a psychic. I suppose technically she was a fortune teller, but she did a tarot reading for me, and also looked at my hands at one point.

Here are some of the things she told me:

1. I worry too much
2. I should stop letting other people put their problems on me
3. My job outlook is good
4. I am going to make a lot of money next year
5. I am going to have one kid

Are any of those future things true? ONLY TIME WILL TELL.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

28. How anticlimactic.

My birthday has come and gone, and I'm now less than 2 years from 30. Amazing.

The first task that I will most likely accomplish on my "30 before 30" list is #20 - See a psychic. My husband (Rick) and I will be visiting the Texas Renaissance Festival this Saturday, and there are numerous palm/tarot readers there. They also have lovely crystal balls and wear lots of scarves and do readings in gypsy wagons, all of which are absolutely essential in seeing a psychic!

Hopefully I will have a full post about it with pictures in the next week or so. I can't wait to hear my fortune told!

Also, when I get back home, I may begin work on #12 (Wardrobe purge). I must confess that I have been itching to get started on that one for a while now.

In other news, Rick just found out that he has a short conference in San Francisco in April. If I can tag along, I may be able to knock out #13 and #28 in one fell swoop!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gearing up

It's about a week before my birthday and I made a minor revision to the list. I replaced "bungee jumping" with "eat paella and ratatouille." I never really liked having both bungee jumping and skydiving on the list, because I feel like skydiving is the ultimate bungee jump. And I have never eaten either paella or ratatouille, but I would like to try them both. This list item might be slightly complicated by the fact that I'm a vegetarian, but I hope to work something out.

Also, I should somewhat qualify #14 (Close a bar). I did recently have the opportunity to close a bar in Omaha, but it closed at 1 a.m. and there was some sort of weird "bar time" thing going on, so I'm not sure that counts. (What kind of bar closes at 1 a.m.?) So, this goal is to close a bar at 2 a.m. (standard bar-closing time).

T-minus 8 days to 28!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Testing 1-2-3

Right now I'm just trying to get things set up. This whole project doesn't officially start until 11/14. Stay tuned for sporadic posts!