Monday, December 22, 2008

#12, Wardrobe purge - Part I

I have started working on the wardrobe purge--it's taking longer than I thought.  I sorted all of my clothes into different categories:

-dress pants
-casual pants

Then, for each category, I am separating everything into "keep," "toss," (= Goodwill, except for underwear), "consign," and "undecided."  Rick is helping me sort the "undecided" piles.

My goal is to reduce the total amount of clothes I own by 1/3.  I think I'm doing pretty well so far--I've gone through about half of my categories and have filled one big garbage bag of "toss."  I'm hoping to finish up on Wednesday--my first day off of work for the holiday.  So, hopefully then I will have a full update, complete with pictures.

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