Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gearing up

It's about a week before my birthday and I made a minor revision to the list. I replaced "bungee jumping" with "eat paella and ratatouille." I never really liked having both bungee jumping and skydiving on the list, because I feel like skydiving is the ultimate bungee jump. And I have never eaten either paella or ratatouille, but I would like to try them both. This list item might be slightly complicated by the fact that I'm a vegetarian, but I hope to work something out.

Also, I should somewhat qualify #14 (Close a bar). I did recently have the opportunity to close a bar in Omaha, but it closed at 1 a.m. and there was some sort of weird "bar time" thing going on, so I'm not sure that counts. (What kind of bar closes at 1 a.m.?) So, this goal is to close a bar at 2 a.m. (standard bar-closing time).

T-minus 8 days to 28!


googoobeans said...

I made paella last year for thanksgiving and it was awesome. I could probably make it again sometime, unless you are hoping for super authentic paella. Also, Gateway Market has ratatouille in their deli section sometimes. I'm not sure if it's vegetarian or not though. I can't wait for the list to start! You should add celebrate November 5th so we can have a bonfire next year.

Kat said...

Hey, someone made a comment! \o/ If you are willing to make paella, I will certainly eat it and count it! And put you in my blog photos. :o)

Also, I am totally down for a Guy Fawkes bonfire.

googoobeans said...

I will do anything to be in blog photos! You have a deal.

Kel said...

Answer: Nebraska bars

Kat said...

Heh. Nebraska bars are kind of lame. ;o)

abbiec said...

You've certainly eaten jambalaya which is a paella descendant. Besides, jambalaya is way give yourself a check.

P.S. You'd definitely have a few less items on your list if you were still hanging with single me! Ha! We closed a bar last week (is that a good thing?) and anytime you want beer pong/bong you can have it at LSU tailgates!